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  • L’azienda si compone di un unico corpo in cui si dislocano gli ambienti, tutti dotati di impianti di riscaldamento per i freddi invernali; lo spessore dei muri, costruiti in pietra lavica, consente di mantenere la calura estiva al
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  • Era l'antica residenza estiva dei nostri avi. La famiglia si stabiliva a Statella quando le spighe del grano erano abbastanza dorate per essere mietute.
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  • L’antica e caratteristica Trattoria Veneziano non inganni l’ospite: solo piatti tipici siciliani, cucinati con la passione e la pazienza delle massaie di una volta, rivisitati in chiave post-moderna.
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  • Le stagioni scorrono avvicendando le rispettive, diverse sfumature, offrendo mostre pittoriche dinamiche che incantano gli occhi, rapiscono le menti.
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  • Parco Statella è stata concepita per ospitare le tipologie di clienti più varie. Oltre le classiche camere matrimoniali, sono a disposizione alloggi più ampi per famiglie o gruppi di amici, camere per diversamente abili e una “suite” con
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  • C’era una volta uno zio scapolo che girava per il mondo. Un agronomo che amava le piante tanto quanto Statella. Ogni essenza forestale, ogni albero o cespuglio che lo ammaliasse entrava nella composizione di un ambizioso progetto: la villa.
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Questa si che è casa! Due piani, ingresso soggiorno, salotto, servizi e cucina e tre camere matrimoniali.Per soggiorni più lunghi, per comitive o famiglie allargate il vecchio palmento è lo spazio ideale: naturalmente condizionato dallo spessore dei muri che ne preservano la freschezza diventa il "covo" perfetto negli inverni gelati grazie a un grande camino che scalda gli animi.

The rooms

The farm consists of a single block in which the rooms are located. All the rooms are furnished with heating systems against the cold of winter; the thickness of the wall, that are in lava stones, allows to keep the summer heat outside. All the rooms are furnished with country fornitures along with modern furnishings such as: television lcd, hair dryer, wireless and…mosquito-nets!

Moreover it is possible to have cradles, box or high-chairs in every room, so to wake the babies’ stay more comfortable and the parent’s holiday serene as well!

Parco Statella was conceived to accommodate the most various types of guests. Besides the double-rooms there are wider and spacious apartments for families or groups of friends, rooms for disabled people and

one “ suite furnished with kitchen for long and autonomous stays.

The farm is glad to receive the “four legs” friends along writ their owners.


Our history

It was our ancestors’ mansion during the summer. The family resided in Statella when the spikes of wheat were golden enough to be harvested. The dry and hot months of the season were characterized by the coming and going of people, carts and horses, there was an incessant buzzing of loudly voices and local speeches; the courtyard was a small shunting center of the all products coming from other farms. The warm autumnal days were painted by the bunches of grape, and the smell of must. Finally, with the first freeze, slowly came the time of the comb “the olive branches”. And with the stinging flavor of the olives just crushed, the people packed the cases and went back home.

Statella, we are sure about this, is the keeper of a lot of secrets hidden in the wideness of its woods, and nested among the branches of its trees, mysteries concealed into the green of its meadows, stories muddled among the carpets acorns.

It is the heritage of our family, the keeper of our life, the interlacement of our pride, the book of our history. Our father has brought this wonder to its ancient splendor again, paying attention to the needs of the younger generation. He entrusted it to us. We live here to breathe its valve every day. This is what we’d like to convey to you.


Who we are

We are a family with the privilege to live in a world as much unreal as it is real, a place which swarms of life and which exhales energy and serenity. We are five people on whose faces there is a unique and rare painting the smile! We are a father, a mother and three sisters whose interlaced personalities and plans have given life to a concrete reality which is soaked in deep and soft colors closed in the bounds of an ancient farm, embraced by the authority of a great family.

We are those of Parco Statella, a green island surrounded by the majesty of Mt. Etna and the high walls of the Nebrodi mountains. We are a casket of fresh air, a source of energy, a fireside where you can curl yourself, a corner where you can open your heart, we are the place where you’d like to hide to preserve yourself from the impurity of the world, we are the place from which you can begin those spaces that are the pride of Sicily. We are a rural touristic resort that bonds the wonders of nature with the style of discretion, the pleasure of conviviality and the human warmth.

We’d like our guests feel themselves at home even if they are on holiday, spending a nice period whose memory will remain unforgettable.